Free Vagabond ebook download: update results day 1 (on day 2)

So a brief recap: I have done a free give away for 2 days with Amazon for my ebook Vagabond, and in prep I have basically spent zero euro on advertisement. The question was, would I still get downloads and would I still get anywhere on the (free) ranking?

Today is the second day, it’s 9 in the morning in Amsterdam and it’s time for an update.

So I have since the start of this 36 downloads in total. Is this good? Is this bad? Is it normal? I have no idea. Just stating the numbers here. Only 24 hours left to go…

Now to the ranking:

So now I am in the top 100 free ebooks of three niche categories.

Kinda sweet. 

I really hope that people are going to read it. That was the whole point of this whole exercise. The sequel to Vagabond will be out in a little less than 2 weeks time and I am hoping to generate a little (micro?) buzz to give it a good start.

Fingers crossed that someone kind will drop a review on Amazon or Goodreads for Vagabond. 

I had one last week and I am forever grateful to that person who took the time to type in a few lines. A little acknowledgement would really help to get the series going.


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